Well, The Simpsons is a series that for me sometimes is interesting,
but most of the time is so funny. I’m not a fan, but I watch it sometimes.
I don’t know what to say about The Simpsons, maybe mention
my favorite character, but I really don’t have one, maybe I like the character
of Magie Simpson, because is so interesting think about what is happened inside
her mind, sometimes I think that is the intelligent character even more than
Lisa, because she doesn’t speak, but in some episode she does something clever.
About the episodes, I don’t remember the episode, but I remember something like when Marge becomes rebel, when she meet another woman, and the other episode I remember is when Bart becomes famous and his classmates said to him “come on Bart, say the line" and is funny and a little sad, because he in the beginning he enjoyed fame, but with so many times that he had to say it, he ended up getting bored.
So The simpsons is a very funny tv serie and
have a lot of episodes where appear so many famous people and most of the time, the funny stuffs are the things that happened to Homer.