viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018


Hello, this is the last blog and about my experience writing this I think that for me is more easy to write after write a lot of blogs, I’m not expert, but every day I’m better. So, I think that is a good way to teach English, because we practice, not only memorize the grammar for example. So about the blogs I do not have problems with the writing, but I have problems with talk to another person, is difficult to me process all the words in my mind when is my turn to talk, so I’m more slow, but I’m thinking in to talk with some people in this language to practice, because is a language that is important for the job.

Okay apart of English class I had to read some text for another class and in my ordinary life I listen to music in English and I understand, my big problem is talk and I need to practice as I mention before, bur apart from that sometimes I like English, but not so much, is a language that is important in any career, but the language that I like most is Italian language, for me is more interesting and maybe more easy to learn, because is like the Spanish.

If I think maybe something, I would like to do with English is expand my work, my projects, maybe if I want to write a book, this language can help me to extend the influence area or if I want to do talks or I don’t know, the truth is that is the first time that I think about to use in some way the English haha

That’s all, bye!

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018


Hello, about the career and the faculty facilities, maybe I have some dislikes. First of all not all the teachers have the best way to teach, some of them are so old and it’s time that they take another way and give to other people the opportunity to teach with, maybe, more knowledge and with more capacities.
Well, something that I dislike more is the infrastructure of the faculty, we pay a lot of money for a construction where the roof is falling, where the bathrooms don’t have toilet paper and the thing that the faculty doesn’t have an infrastructure where the disabled people can move easily. Personally I don’t feel safe or calm.
Another thing is the study hours, this doesn’t have a good organization. It’s unacceptable to have classes from 8:00 to 20:00, we need some breaks, because we are saturated with works, I know that the university supposed to be like this, but why? This is so bad for our health, it’s not normal not to sleep almost for two days or sometimes for more days. I don’t understand how the teachers or someone doesn’t realize that it is wrong. We need to do something to change all this bad things. We deserve a good place to study, this is the reason why we pay a large amounts of money so why the administration have another priorities? I hope that someday they will realize this and do good changes for all the people that is part of this faculty and of this university, because it’s true that the university has faculties that are in disrepair, but is the minority of the faculties. If they want to be a prestigious university they must do things well.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018


What is your opinion about "vertical ghettos"?

About this controversial topic I think it’s not necessary to build buildings with so many apartments where the people, in my opinion, don’t have space to have a good life in their houses. I think that we can think about in something, some construction that has the same capacity of people, but where the people have a good space in their houses. The people need a space with dignity to live, not the space that the architect maybe do to have more people, but in a little space. As an architect we need to think about in the space where the people need to live and if the space is not enough to have a lot of people living there, is better that we don’t do it and search another solution.  

What is your opinion about cloning?

This is a complicated topic, because can have two sides, one of this is that of course for me is so fun to think in that I can have another me, but the other side is that maybe this clone can turn in to bad version of me, and that’s not a good thing. So the idea of having a clone is interesting, but we have to take care of that.

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

First of all I love animals, and sometimes I have wanted to have an exotic pet, but if you think about that type of animals are not domesticated and for them is not healthy to live in a house, because that is not their natural habitat and maybe it’s correct that they are saved under the care of the humans, but the nature is about that, about surviving, and the animals are prepared for that, even the human race. So it’s not correct to adopt an exotic animal, but if the animal needs some care for a short time, I think that is correct. 

What is your opinion about tattoos?

Wow! I think that tattoos are awesome, some people don’t like the tattoos, but most of the people I know love it, but in my opinion, when you want to make a tattoo on your body you have to think very consciously what you want to do, maybe give it a meaning or only choose a drawing or picture that you like, this is so important, because it’s something that you will have your entire life.